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4. Commonly Confused Words

Shined vs Shone

Shined Shone
to make something shine. to shine.
shined is used when acting on an object. shone is used when not acting on an object
I shined the shoes. The shoes shone brightly.

Insure vs Ensure vs Assure

Insure Ensure Assure
to make sure something doesn't happen. to make sure something does happen. to make sure something does happen.
I didn't want to pay for possible future leaky roof so I got insurance to insure that wouldn't happen. I asked the roofer to ensure that the installation was done carefully. The roofer said he wanted to assure me he was careful.

Lightning vs Lightening

Lightning Lightening
the flash of light in a storm. to lighten.
I saw lightning during the storm last night. The lightning last night, lightened the sky.

Sparing vs Sparring

Sparing Sparring
adjective meaning prudent. verb meaning to spar or fight.
uses it's Rs sparingly has two Rs that spar each other
Ryan spent money sparingly. Ryan and Rebecca were sparring with swords.

That vs Which

that which
nonrestricted modifier restricted modifier
Does not use a comma Uses a comma
A part of the sentence An aside in the sentence
You CAN'T pull the "that" statement out and still have a complete sentence You CAN pull the "which" statement out and still have a complete sentence

Toward NOT Towards

Adding an "s" to the end of words that end in "-ward" is an unnecessary overcorrection.